The PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) smelter building project in the Java Integrated Industrial Port And Estate (JIIPE) area ...
Every year on June 5th, people worldwide celebrate World Environment Day to spread the word about the value of taking care of our planet and its natural resources....
The PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) smelter building project in the Java Integrated Industrial Port And Estate (JIIPE) area ...
Head of Representative of Bank Indonesia (KPw BI) of East Java Province, Doddy Zulverdi visited the construction...
PLN Commissioner Mohamad Ikhsan directly reviewed the readiness of the electricity infrastructure to accommodate customer...
Gresik - One of the working visits of Vice President K. H. Ma'ruf Amin is to review the Java Integrated and Industrial Por...
Facing the whirlwind of global economic uncertainty challenges, the strengthening of investment and business climate has b...
The government stated that the Gresik Special Economic Zone (SEZ) had officially operated through Decree of the Chai...
Complete Infrastructure, Luxurious Facilities for Quality Life in the JIIPE industrial estate Grand Estate Marina...
Quality low-emission gas power plants in the JIIPE Industrial Estate to provide sustainable electricity supply in support...
East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE not only encourages the country's economy, but also provides welfare for residents arou...
400 ha integrated deep seaport which is strategically located in the Madura Strait in the JIIPE industrial area, With...
This is the list of TOP Investors who have Operated in JIIPE Gresik Industrial Estate JIIPE as the first integrated ...
East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE Power Plant Low-quality, high-quality gas-fired power plants to provide sustainabl...
The Environmentally Friendly Area of East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE covering 1761 hectares, offering utilities and comp...
The main objective of JIIPE's East Java Industrial Estate is to contribute positively to the emphasis on logistics cost ef...
Industries in the JIIPE industrial estate make plans for stages against Covid-19 in the New Normal period. The plan is ...
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