Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe

Articles & News About the Industrial Zone JIIPE in Gresik

Land Preparation of JIIPE Industrial Area Development

Land Preparation of JIIPE Industrial Area Development

The development of JIIPE’s industrial land shows an increase both in terms of quantity and breadth. The high rate of expansion in Gresik, East Java-industrial area is inseparable from many land availability and needs to be needed for industries.

JIIPE offers comprehensive permit services related to land preparation, infrastructure development, and investment. Permits such as building permits, environmental impact analysis permits (AMDAL), and operational permits will be handled by JIIPE management under one roof. Investors do not need to consult different authorities if they have received approval from Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). The purchased land can be completed with an agreed installment scheme if the investor has applied for a land permit before starting production.

The form of JIIPE’s land preparation is ensuring a land elevation of 3.5 M above sea level. In addition to land preparation, JIIPE is also committed to building and preparing utilities for prospective tenants, such as roads with ROW 80 m for main roads, ROW 50 for secondary roads, and ROW 30 m for tertiary roads.

The development of JIIPE industrial estate is also one of the government's efforts to reduce domestic economic inequality and realize community welfare. On the other hand, JIIPE has facilitated the development of an Industrial Estate that is integrated with supporting facilities to facilitate investors in developing their businesses.

With its complete facilities and is strategically located, it becomes a trading center and manufacturing center for Indonesia and Asia Pacific.

JIIPE Cares : Share 2000 Lebaran Packages for Surrounding Villages

Gresik, April 2, 2024 - PT Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera (BKMS), manager of the Gresik Special Economic Zone (SEZ) - JI...

Achieving Success in the First Phase of Hailiang Indonesia Project Production Trial

Gresik Special Economic Zone, JIIPE, is home to PT Hailiang Nova Materials Indonesia, which has been developing Hailiang ...

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