Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe

Articles & News About the Industrial Zone JIIPE in Gresik

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Copper Recycling: A Sustainable Resource Copper is often hailed as one of the most sustainable metals due to its 100% recyclability.

Unlike many other materials, copper does not degrade or lose its essential properties during the recycling process. This remarkable quality makes copper a cornerstone of the cir...

In response to global market uncertainty, chemical companies are continuously striving to reduce costs and rationalize ...

Renewables Race to Fill Resource Gap as Demand for Clean Energy Outpaces Supply The renewable energy sector h...

Transforming Industries Toward a Greener Tomorrow As the world moves toward sustainability, with a strong ...

The global shift towards green energy is not just a trend but a revolution, with China at the helm. Leading the charge...

Copper has long been a cornerstone of global industry, driving innovation and powering everything from electro...

In the dynamic world of the chemical industry, China has long been a key player, with major companies like ChemChina, ...

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