Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe



Event Trade Expo Indonesia 2019

JIIPE (Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate) participated in the 34th Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) held at ICE BSD City in Tangerang on 16-20 October 2019. In participating i...

On Thursday 3 October 2019, JIIPE received a visit from various local and foreign securities representatives, who wanted ...

Gresik的工业区对投资者越来越有前途。 这与在Gresik市刺激综合基础设施的发展以促进公平的...

PT Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera (BKMS) held CSR Care Education activities in the form of scholarship assistance to 50 o...

TIMESINDONESIA, GRESIK - Residents of Manyarejo Village, Gresik Regency, East Java, are trained in entrepreneurship. They...

This year, the recipients of sacrificial animals are the communities in the villages of Manyarejo, Manyarsidomukti, Manyar...

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, GRESIK - Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI0 Gresik is collaborating with HIPMI Surabaya, ...

工業用地收購預約 / 徵求提案

本表僅供真正有意在JIIPE SEZ內獲取工業用地的企業使用。請提供準確的詳細信息,以協助我們評估您的需求並提供最佳解決方案。

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Basic Information

The reason for considering JIIPE ? *
