The Special Economic Zone (KEK), which is planned to be formed in Kawasan Industri Surabaya Gresik JIIPE, despite gaining...
Following the submission of the establishment of the Special Economic Zone (KEK) in Kawasan Industri Surabaya Gresik JIIPE in 2019 which had not yet been approved by the government, sever...
The Special Economic Zone (KEK), which is planned to be formed in Kawasan Industri Surabaya Gresik JIIPE, despite gaining...
Submission of the establishment of Special Economic Zones (KEK) in Kawasan Industri Surabaya Gresik JIIPEhas been carried...
Even though the government has set regulations related to work from home following the Corona virus outbreak, this canno...
After conducting a survey in the East Java Industrial Estate of JIIPE, Khofifah Indar Parawansa as the number one person i...
East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE is the largest industrial estate in East Java and the first integrated industrial est...
News related to the submission of the formation of Special Economic Zones (KEK) in the East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE h...
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