Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe


61/5000 JIIPE was visited by 16 representatives of local and foreign securities

 61/5000 JIIPE was visited by 16 representatives of local and foreign securities

On Thursday 3 October 2019, JIIPE received a visit from various local and foreign securities representatives, who wanted to immediately see the progress and development of JIIPE, in this visit the participants were invited to tour the integrated port of JIIPE, and visit one of the existing tenants on JIIPE.

加強雙邊合作:中國駐印尼大使訪問格雷西克特別經濟區 (JIIPE)

2024年12月18日,格雷西克 —— 格雷西克特別經濟區 (SEZ) 再次吸引國際關注,中華人民共和國...

Powering the Future with Innovation and Sustainability

The global shift towards green energy is not just a trend but a revolution, with China at the helm. Leading the charge a...

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