Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe


​National Occupational and Health Month 2024, Be Healthy and Safe at Work, Maintain Business Sustainability

​National Occupational and Health Month 2024, Be Healthy and Safe at Work, Maintain Business Sustainability

Occupational Safety and Health, also known as K3, is an effort to create a healthy and safe working environment, the National Occupational and Health Month commemoration is held annually and lasts for one full month, from January 12 to February 12. This moment is used as momentum to refresh and remind us of the importance of implementing K3 in the workplace. The agenda aims to increase awareness and compliance with K3 norms, ensure K3 protection in all business sectors, and emphasize the importance of maintaining the highest degree of health for workers in the industrial world so that there are no accidents or occupational diseases.

JIIPE Gresik Special Economic Zone, in carrying out the commemoration of the National K3 Month this year with the theme "Cultivate K3, Be Healthy and Safe at Work, Maintain Business Sustainability," scheduled several activities to support and enliven the National K3 Month, which was simultaneously commemorated throughout Indonesia. This commemoration was marked by the opening of the activity agenda by the Minister of Manpower, Dr. Hj. Ida Fauziyah, M.Si., which was held in the PT Freeport Indonesia in JIIPE Gresik SEZ area, East Java.

"One of the important keys to building a superior labor ecosystem is to build a good occupational safety and health (OSH) culture. With a superior K3 culture, the number of work accidents and occupational diseases will be suppressed, which in turn is expected to increase work productivity," said the Minister of Manpower in his direction when opening the commemoration of the 2024 National Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Month at the PT Freeport Indonesia (FI) smelter in JIIPE Gresik SEZ, East Java, on Friday (12/1).

Several activities are scheduled in commemoration of the 2024 National OSH Month in JIIPE Gresik SEZ to increase public understanding of the importance of K3 and safety in the work environment, including healthy gymnastics, blood donors, K3 seminars, photography competitions, basic life support training, and a fire drill competition.

By increasing their understanding of information about K3, workers can apply good K3 practices, improve K3 policies as an extra responsibility, and build a positive image of employment in various sectors, especially the manufacturing industry, at the national and international levels.

It is expected that by applying K3, it can reduce the risk of work accidents or diseases due to negligence, which can cause a decrease in morale and work productivity.




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