Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe

Articles & News About the Industrial Zone JIIPE in Gresik

Achieving Success in the First Phase of Hailiang Indonesia Project Production Trial

Achieving Success in the First Phase of Hailiang Indonesia Project Production Trial

Gresik Special Economic Zone, JIIPE, is home to PT Hailiang Nova Materials Indonesia, which has been developing Hailiang Copper Foil at a quick pace after successfully testing the initial system of the project's first phase and producing copper foil. An innovative scenario of international domestic cooperation and mutual promotion has been established in the global market, marking a significant stride forward.

From June 20th, 2023, when work began, it has been 208 days. The perseverance and unity that has been instilled in every Hailiang Indonesian has allowed them to triumph over insurmountable odds, whether they localized material shortages, flawed industrial processes, communication breakdowns, or harsh environmental circumstances. Hailiang utilized its movement to demonstrate its quickness and flair overseas once again, influenced by characteristics that Hailiang pioneered in Indonesia.

In order to ensure that projects go smoothly, top-notch production management is crucial, and front-line workers are the rock upon which the company's efficient production operations rest.

To this day, Hailiang Indonesia will remain true to its founding principles of "pragmatism, efficiency, innovation, and dedication," keep its entrepreneurial spirit alive with a heavy dose of duty and purpose, remember its original intent, stay focused on its mission, be courageous enough to own up to mistakes, and succeed while keeping everyone safe. Hailiang Indonedia will keep pushing for top-notch project construction and completion under the concept, work hard to get to production as quickly as possible, and do the best to help the local economy and society in Indonesia grow.


지아이피 케어 : 주변 마을을 위한 이둘 피트리 패키지 2000개 공유

그레식, 2024년 4월 2일 - 그레식 경제특구(SEZ)의 관리자인 JIIPE와 JIIPE 항만 구역의 관리자인...

​National Occupational and Health Month 2024, Be Healthy and Safe at Work, Maintain Business Sustainability

Occupational Safety and Health, also known as K3, is an effort to create a healthy and safe working environment, the Natio...

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