Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe

Articles & News About the Industrial Zone JIIPE in Gresik

최신 기사

Fulfilling Operational Implementation Protocols for Companies, JIIPE Industrial Estate Do This (Part 1)

According to the Minister of Industry SE No 4/2020 industrial companies in carrying out factory operations must pay attention to the following provisions: For industrial companies a...

The regional government has an important role in preventing and controlling Covid-19, including those located in industria...

The development of the third generation industrial estate that is currently being pursued by the government suggests that ...

The advantage of the JIIPE industrial estate is of course not only felt by industries within the industrial estate, but al...

The Ports Estate (JIIPE) industrial estate in Manyar, Gresik, is a port that is able to accommodate more than Tanjung Pera...

JIIPE industrial estate does not only play a role in the country's economy, but JIIPE industrial estate also puts forward ...

The Ministry of Industry is updating the rules regarding the readiness of industrial zones in implementing new normal (new...

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