Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe

Articles & News About the Industrial Zone JIIPE in Gresik

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가공 시작, 자바 복합산업단지(JIIPE) 그레시크 경제특구의 3R 센터는 폐기물 감축에 기여

환경보호, 특히폐기물관리에대한의무의일환으로구역관리자인자바복합산업단지(JIIPE) 그레시크(Gresik) 경제특구는폐기물관리를위해유의미...

(주)허방바이오테크놀로지(603077.SH), BKMS, AKR 간디지털체결식이 8월 28일열렸다. 허방은...

그레시크(Gresik) 경제특구의인프라를개선하기위해자바복합산업단지(JIIPE) 관리자인 PT Berkah...

2023년 8월자바복합산업단지(JIIPE) 구역에경찰청의경찰서기공식이진행됐다. 이행사에는동부...

인도네시아에너지광물자원부(ESDM)는고신뢰성전력공급과신재생에너지개발을추진하기위해 P...

Joko Widodo 대통령(Jokowi)이 동남아시아 내 최대 동박 제조 공장인 PT 하일리앙 노바 자재 인도...

제련소 PT AMNT의 검토를 마친 후 Joko Widodo 대통령이 자바 통합 산업 및 항만 단지(JIIPE) 그레...

최신 기사

PT. Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera (BKMS), a subsidiary of PT. AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA) has signed a 7-year Senior ...

Supporting the increase and distribution of the national economy as well as facilitating the accessibility or mobilization...

AKRA's financial analysis is still healthy and improving next year despite the Covid-19 pandemic which limits various act...

The decline in oil prices by 2.41% compared to the previous close is considered to be better than the beginning of last m...

PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA) is focusing on completing the expansion of the port facilities for the Java Integrated Indust...

We are pleased to welcome Minister of Industry of Indonesia, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita to JIIPE (Java Integrated Indust...

The construction of a smelter or refining facility carried out by PT Freeport Indonesia in the JIIPE industrial area is an...

AKR Land has the first basic industry that has TBK / Corporate. AKR itself has been around for 54 years in Indonesia with...

We have released the Virtual Tour at our top page for the customer to explore JIIPE online. You might feel like vi...

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