Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe

工業地帯に関する記事とニュースi JIIPE di Gresik


Powering the Future with Innovation and Sustainability

The global shift towards green energy is not just a trend but a revolution, with China at the helm. Leading the charge are visionary companies like Xinyi Glass, LONGi Green Energy, and ...

Copper has long been a cornerstone of global industry, driving innovation and powering everything from electronics to r...

In the dynamic world of the chemical industry, China has long been a key player, with major companies like ChemChina, He...

東ジャワ州グレシックにあるJava Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate(JIIPE)は、産業、港湾、住...

JIIPE (Java Integrated Industrial & Ports Estate) は、インドネシアのグレシック東ジャワにある経...

Quick Appointment / Request For Proposal

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Basic Information

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