Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe

Articles & News About the Industrial Zone JIIPE in Gresik

Tax Holiday: Why does East Java's JIIPE Industrial Zone Give Positive Responses?

Tax Holiday: Why does East Java's JIIPE Industrial Zone Give Positive Responses?

In 2018, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia inaugurated a scheme called Tax Holiday. The scheme basically consists of reducing income tax or income tax which is expected to be able to attract investor interest more optimally.

In this case, the East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE is one that provides a positive response to the formation of Tax Holiday. According to the manager of East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE, this is because Tax Holiday is able to attract more investment.

Tax Holiday is also considered by the manager of East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE as a scheme that will facilitate all licensing processes which will certainly be a special attraction for business people and investors. As the largest industrial estate in East Java, East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE considers that Tax Holiday will make a major contribution in achieving the National Investment Target in which East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE also contributes to investment.

East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE itself is the largest industrial estate in East Java as well as the first integrated industrial area in Indonesia which has been equipped with ports and docks for cruise ships and housing with the concept of an environmentally friendly independent city, named GEM City, with various exclusive facilities, such as the field golf and shopping center.

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