Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe

Articles & News About the Industrial Zone JIIPE in Gresik

Latest news

3 Tips to Prevent Corona Virus Transmission while Working in IIPE East Java Industrial Estate

Even though the government has set regulations related to work from home following the Corona virus outbreak, this cannot necessarily be implemented in all workers in Indonesia due to c...

After conducting a survey in the East Java Industrial Estate of JIIPE, Khofifah Indar Parawansa as the number one person i...

East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE is the largest industrial estate in East Java and the first integrated industrial est...

News related to the submission of the formation of Special Economic Zones (KEK) in the East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE h...

As one of the parties involved in the JIIPE East Java Industrial Estate development project, PT Pelindo III provides full ...

The presence of East Java Industrial Estate JIIPE does not merely increase the number of industrial estates in Indonesia, ...

Establishment of Special Economic Zones (KEK) in East Java Industrial Estates JIIPE is currently still in the process of...

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